Main indicators of the Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Republic of Uzbekistan in January-July 2021
During the period January - July 2021, there was a positive dynamics in the development of almost all important production sectors of the fuel and energy complex.
In January-July 2021, value of Coal, lignite, oil and natural gas production grew to 106,8%. The determining influence on the achieved growth trend in this sphere was exerted by the growth of the physical volumes of natural gas and coal production. During this period, the growth rate of natural gas production amounted to 106,1%, and coal production amounted to 159,1%.
In January-July 2021, the leading dynamics of Electricity, gas, steam supply and air conditioning sectors development were remained. The growth rate in the current industrial activity of fuel and energy sector was 111%. Significant growth was achieved in the gas supply sector – 149,5%. The high dynamics of growth in the energy supply sector was supported by an increase in the physical volumes of electricity – 109,2%, heat energy – 102,1%, gas-106,1%.
During the analyzed period, the deceleration trend of the refinery industry development remained, which amounted to 77,4% compared to the level of the previous year. At the same time, there was an increase in the production of such products as liquefied petroleum gases (propane and butane) -100,7%, motor gasoline -103,5%, petroleum bitumen -152,6%, heating oil – by twofold.
In January-July 2021, the foreign trade turnover of energy carriers and petroleum products of Uzbekistan reached 1021,9 million USD, which, compared to the same period last year, increased by 12,7 million USD. The volume of imports of energy carriers and petroleum products to Uzbekistan increased by 13,4 million USD (+2,1%), the volume of exports decreased by 0,6 million USD (-0,2%).