The Impact of Defaults and Financial Incentives on Savings Decisions: Experimental Evidence


Speakers: Jalolov Jasurbek & Saydaliev Hayotbek. 

Hayotbek Saydaliev completed  his PhD in Financial Economics at Universiti Putra Malaysia in Malaysia, and M.Sc. Financial Economics (Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia). He is currently head of division at Institute of Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research under Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction (Uzbekistan). Moreover, he is an affiliated research fellow at Tashkent State University of Economics since June 2021.  Dr. Saydaliev has publications in highly respected Development Economics journals such as Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja (SSI,Q1), Global Economy Journal (SSCI,Q3), and several others. His publications focus on the impact of financial inclusion on economic growth in cross-country setting using institution indicators of the country as instrumental variables to identify the causality published in co-authorship with Dr. Lee Chin (UPM) and Dr. Law Sion Hok (UPM).  

Jasurbek Jalolov completed his M.Sc. in Economic Policy at University of Siegen in Germany. He is currently Deputy Head of Department at Institute of Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research under Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction (Uzbekistan). Moreover, he is an affiliated research fellow at Tashkent Institute of Finance since September 2021.

The main purpose of this paper is to  investigate experimentally how defaults and monetary incentives impact savings schemes.